The spiritual aspect 1. According to the Quran, men and women have the same spiritual human nature: “O mankind: Reverence your Guardian-Lord Who created you from a single person created
Why choose Islam? By Lawrence Brown
Let’s talk frankly. Almost never do non-Muslims study Islam until they have first exhausted the religions of their exposure. Only after they have grown dissatisfied with the religions familiar to
Who is Allah? By Jerald Dirks
The use of the word ‘Allah’ to mean ‘God’ frequently sounds rather strange, esoteric, and foreign to Western ears. ‘Allah’ is an Arabic word derived from the contraction of ‘AI’
Thinking about duty in Islam, By Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood
In this beautiful, uplifting article English convert to Islam, Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood, talks to young Muslims about their responsibilities to the people in their lives and to Allah. When people
When I wear the hijab, By a Japanese girl
Until I visited the main mosque in Paris I had nothing to do with Islam; neither the prayers nor the Hijab were familiar to me. The benefits of observing Hijab
Islam and the reality of disbelief, By Dr. M. bin Abdullaah As-Suhaym
When you consult the dictionaries, you will find that the word Islam means submission, obedience, surrender and compliance with the command and prohibition of the commander without objections. Allah has
How to become a muslim
“There is no god but He: That is the witness of Allah, His angels, and those endued with knowledge, standing firm on justice. There is no god but He, the
Parallels between Islam and Christianity, By Jerald Dirks
Thanks and praise to God’ that I was fortunate enough to be born into and raised in a small, agricultural community in rural Kansas. Within that community, and especially within
Allah in the bible, By Ahmad Deedat
The suffix “IM” of the word “ELOHIM” is a plural of respect in Hebrew. (Remember that in Arabic and Hebrew there are two types of plurals. One of numbers and
A brief introduction to Islam
The word ‘Islam’ is an Arabic word which means ‘submission to the will of God’. This word comes from the same root as the Arabic word ‘salam’, which means ‘peace’.