Thank God, I have been blessed by Allah with the gift of Islam since 2006. When I was asked to write about the path that I took and how Allah
Jesus – The son of Mary, By Islam Is
Jesus was a Prophet and Messenger of God. He called to the Oneness of God. He never claimed divinity for himself, nor did he ever ask to be worshipped. No
Adam’s sin, By M Abdulsalam
“Every soul draws the meed of its acts on none but itself: no bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another.” (Quran 6:164) “The fathers shall not be put
The laws which exist in the 'Christian' countries of the West today - the laws governing birth and death, the formation and dissolution of marriage, the rights over property within and outside marriage, or in the event of divorce or death, adoption and guardianship, commerce and industry and all the rest - are not to be found in the Gospels. The laws which define what constitutes criminal behavior and the various penalties for such behavior, are no longer derived from the Bible. Murderers are no longer executed, for example, and adulterers are no longer stoned to death. Some laws, such as those which legalise usury in all its forms, flatly contradict what has in fact always been forbidden by God. Most of these laws are not laws which have been revealed to man by God.
Christian Laws
There are thousands prophecies in the Old Testament regarding the coming of a Messiah (the term 'Messiah' is translated as 'Christ'). There is not one single prophecy where Jesus is mentioned by name. And not a single Prophecy where it says that the name of the Messiah will be Jesus, and that his mother's name will be Mary, that his supposed father will be Joseph the carpenter; that he will be born in the reign of Herod the King, etc. etc.? No! There are no such details! Then how can Christians conclude that those 'thousand' Prophecies refer to Jesus?!
Ahmad Deedat
The Trinity led me to Islam, By Roger Hadden Ex Christian, Ireland
My name is Roger Hadden, and I am originally from Dungannon in Northern Ireland. I am a dentist currently working in England. I have lived in Northern Ireland and Scotland,
Cat Stevens – Yusuf Islam Former Pop star, UK
All I have to say is all what you know already, to confirm what you already know, the message of the Prophet (may the mercy and blessings of God be
Crucifixion on good Wed or on good Friday? By Ahmad Deedat
In my country, we enjoy a four day holiday around Easter, beginning with what is called Good Friday. What makes Good Friday good? They say that because Christ died for
“Not a messenger did We send before thee without this inspiration sent by Us to him: that there is no god but I; therefore worship and serve Me.”
Quran 21:25
Did Islam spread by the sword? By Ahmad Deedat
The greatest crime, the greatest “sin” of Muhammad in the eyes of the Christian West is that he did not allow himself to be slaughtered, to be “crucified” by his